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1. The club shall be known as Wychwood Folk & Acoustic Club – hereafter known as “the Club”.

2. The Club shall be dedicated to the provision of live Folk/Americana/Roots music, thereby creating a forum for the celebration of our musical, cultural diversity and heritage. Our financial year ends on 31st December.'

3. The Club shall be run by a Committee consisting of not more than five people and not less than four, of whom three may constitute a quorum. The committee shall have the power to change or add to the constitution of the club, such changes to be notified to the membership at the next general meeting.

4. The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and general members. Any two of these posts may be combined if required.

5. Membership of the Committee is at the invitation of the majority of the Committee. 'The committee has the absolute right to refuse a membership application.

6. There is no fixed term of office, but continuation in post is subject to an annual vote of confidence by the other Committee members.

7. The Committee will meet twice per year to review the Club’s financial position and to determine policy.

8. The Club will usually meet on two Saturday evenings of each month however this may change from time to time. Tiddy Hall, Shipton Road, Ascott u Wychwood, Oxon, shall be the preferred venue for events expecting a large turnout, with The Swan Inn, Ascott u Wychwood being used as a smaller venue

 9. This Constitution is available to any member of the club, upon request.


Music Policy

10. The policy of the club is to be inclusive. Whilst having at its heart the desire to preserve the acoustic folk music tradition, the club will seek to include music and musicians from a broad spectrum of genres.

11. The Committee will aim to encourage and support the development of local musicians and singers and will provide a venue at which they can perform.

12. One member of the committee will be appointed to be the sole Committee member responsible for the booking of professional artistes. This person shall be appointed by the majority of the other members of the committee.



13. The Committee will be responsible for the organisation of the Club.



14. The secretary will keep and update a list of club members. At the present time we do not propose to charge a membership fee, although, in the future, this will be subject to review by the committee. All members, including the committee, will have one vote at a general meeting.

15. The Committee has the power to exclude persons from membership on the grounds of their anti-social or rowdy behaviour.


Financial Policy

16. The Club will aim to break even. It is not run purely to make a profit.

17. Entry fees to club evenings and guest performances will be reviewed annually by the committee.

18. As a contingency, the Club will maintain sufficient funds to cover its guaranteed commitments for the following year.

19. The Club funds will be held in an account set up by the Treasurer currently with Santander.


Date of Adoption and Implementation

20. This Constitution was formally agreed and implemented by the Committee at a meeting on 7th January 2014 and is effective immediately.

21. The existence of this Constitution was announced to the membership at the Club night on 1st February 2014 and has been posted on the Club’s website

22. In the event of dissolution of the club after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the club, the committee shall sell the remaining assets of the club and distribute the remaining funds either to an organisation or organisations whose purpose is similar to those of the club or to a charity or charities chosen by the committee

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